Wood Turtle Survives Lawn Mower Collision: Patient 23-745

WARNING: Graphic image ahead.

Patient 23-745, a handsome Wood Turtle, arrived at our center missing the top few ridges of his carapace (top shell). He had been hit by a lawn mower.

Let’s Talk Lawn Mowers

Patient 23-745 is far from the only patient we’ve seen that had a run in with a lawn mower. We have admitted a number of patients of all shapes and sizes that have had traumatic encounters with lawn mowers or other gardening equipment.

These sometimes fatal collisions can be easily prevented by walking through your yard or garden before firing up the lawn mower or weedwhacker. Be on the lookout for turtles, rabbits, rabbit nests, fledgling birds, snakes, and any other wild animal that may be hiding in the tall grass—this simple act can save wild lives!

Returning Home

Luckily for patient 23-745, his run-in with a lawn mower missed any vital organs. For about two months he was kept on healthy doses of antibiotics and pain medicine while we performed daily wound care where we cleaned the wound and removed any dead tissue to allow it to heal. His wound healed beautifully, although he will wear the scar of this encounter for the rest of his life.

After his personality won over the hearts of many volunteers, he was returned to his home, and he took right off! Giving turtles like 23-745 their second chances is extremely important. Wood Turtles are an endangered species, so saving as many individuals as we can helps to maintain healthy wild populations in Pennsylvania. Good luck out there handsome!


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