Eastern Screech Owl Broken Leg: Patient 21-556

A whole lot of attitude in a tiny fluffy package!

This fledgling Eastern Screech Owl was found right around the corner from the wildlife center in May 2021. The PA Game Commission was able to respond to a call about the owl where they discovered he had a broken leg. Thank you to Game Warden Brookens for bringing the owl to us for an evaluation and care!

Adapting to an Old Injury

The leg had an old and already healed fracture. Likely, the injury happened while the bird was still in the nest or right when he fledged (jumped from the nest). As far as broken legs go, the location of the fracture and the way it had healed on its own wasn’t too bad. It was causing the little owl some difficulty perching, but he was young and already learning to adapt. His care plan included: Provide him all the support he needed and evaluate his ability to land during flight as he grew.


Practice Means Freedom!

The owl spent several weeks on cage rest. This allowed the bone to continue healing and for him to continue growing up since he didn’t have all his feathers! Once we were happy with the way he was perching, we gave him the next big test of flying and landing in a large outdoor enclosure. Once again, the little owl impressed us with his resilience and adaptability! The owl spent time in the outdoor enclosure with two adult Eastern Screech Owls in care who helped show him the ropes.

Finally, the young owl was cleared for release. He was returned to the location where he was found in hopes he may reunite with his family and other nest mates.

Thank you for Game Warden Brookens, the caller who reported the owl, our dedicated team of volunteers and all our donors who made this success story possible!


Canada Goose Neck Wound and Brain Injury: Patient 21-594


Eastern Screech Owl Damaged Eye and Concussion: Patient 21-15