Patient Stories
Here is a small sample of our wild patients and their incredible stories. Follow us on social media for more amazing tales of hardship and recovery. Donations from our supporters make stories like these possible!
Vehicle Collision Leaves Hawk With Busted Crop: Patient 24-2264
After being struck by a car, this hawk was in need of some help!
Old Injury, Turned Infection, Could Have Taken Turtle’s Leg: Patient 24-1448
Lucky Eastern Box Turtle gets to keep his leg.
Eastern Painted Turtle Survives Despite the Odds: Patient 24-1819
Little painted turtle is a survivor of unique birth defect.
American Toad Loses Arm: Patient 23-2192
A tragic gardening accident landed this toad at our center over the Winter.
Orphaned Red Squirrel Grows and Goes Home: Patient 23-1927
Found alone running the halls of a college dorm, this tiny ball of energy needed our help.
Black Rat Snake Survives Snake Fungal Disease: Patient 23-959
Treating a new disease requires some experimental methods.
Opossum Freed from Wire Trap: Patient 23-1488
Traps of any kind are indiscriminate and can cause problems for all living creatures.
Eastern Garter Snake Trapped in Garden Netting: Patient 23-1115
Us humans tend to forget about the impacts our actions and items can have on our planet, let this snake be a reminder.
Wood Turtle Survives Lawn Mower Collision: Patient 23-745
Lawn mowers can harm wildlife of all shapes and sizes—including endangered turtles.
Raised in a Haunted Attraction: Fred the Vulture
The scariest thing in a haunted house is…a baby vulture?!
Young Groundhog Washed Out of Den in Storm: Patient 23-1103
Some of our patients spend several months in our care. Others, like patient 23-1103, only need a few days.
American Robin Attacked by Outdoor Cat: Patient 23-89
Just one of many sad endings caused by outdoor cats.
American Goldfinches Recover from Eye Disease: Patient 23-20 and 23-27
Cleaning bird feeders can prevent disease in backyard bird populations.
Snow Goose Recovers from Vehicle Collision: Patient 23-23
A member of this special migratory species needed help!
Eastern Red-Backed Salamander Awakened From Brumation: Patient 23-6
Climate change causes trouble for local salamanders and other wildlife.
Bald Eagle Poisoned By Lead: Patient 22-1974
Although populations have recovered, Bald Eagles still need our help.
Common Snapping Turtle Ingested Fishing Hook: Patient 22-1655
Proof that miracles are possible saved this snapping turtles life!
Homing Pigeon Left in the Wild: Patient 22-1552
This pigeon deserves his story to be told.