Eastern Garter Snake Trapped in Garden Netting: Patient 23-1115

WARNING: Graphic Images Ahead

Us humans tend to forget about the impacts our actions and items can have on our planet, so let us give you a reminder.

Patient 23-111 was an adult Eastern Garter Snake who came in to us after he was found tangled in plastic netting. His finders were unsure where the netting came from, but it was likely used for some kind of gardening. This poor snake tried to maneuver through the netting and got tangled up so tight that the netting sliced through his skin and left some nasty wounds across his body.

Netting Removal and Healing

Luckily, the netting did not puncture any of his vital organs and we were able to easily remove it from his body. Patient 23-1115 was kept on pain medication while his wounds received daily treatment. We're so grateful for Cassandra, his finder, who acted quickly and got the snake in to our care!

Home at Last

After over a month in our care receiving pain medications, antibiotics, and daily wound care, patient 23-1115 fully recovered from his wounds. He was so ready to return home that he nearly burst out of his transport container!

Let patient 23-1115 serve as a reminder for the many effects humans can have on our wild spaces. To you, it may just be garden netting, but to wildlife it can be life or death. Be mindful of the items you leave outdoors and always dispose of your trash properly!


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