Virginia Opossum Stuck in Plastic Lid: Patient 20-924

This Virginia Opossum was brought to us in late September 2020. She was found with a milkshake lid stuck around her neck and front arm.

A Not-So-Sweet Ending

The female opossum had deep lacerations in her neck and a wound down to the bone on her arm. We could not even begin to address her wounds because she was covered in fly eggs. We also suspected that she had internal maggots.

The WSWC team did everything we could to stabilize her, but it was too late. After 24 hours, this little girl lost her fight. Thank you Rachel and family for removing the lid and bringing her to us when they realized she was in trouble.

Pick Up Trash — Even if You Didn’t Litter

Please, please, please don’t litter. And if you see trash while you’re walking, please pick it up.

This poor opossum was attracted to the sweet leftovers on the lid and it cost her life. Make sustainable, reusable choices that don’t create waste. Dispose of trash properly and cut items that could entrap wild animals. Choices we make everyday have a real impact on the environment and animals around us.



Eastern Screech Owl Damaged Eye and Concussion: Patient 21-15


Mallard Shot With Crossbow Bolt: Patient 20-338