Patient Stories
Here is a small sample of our wild patients and their incredible stories. Follow us on social media for more amazing tales of hardship and recovery. Donations from our supporters make stories like these possible!
American Kestrel Spinal and Wing Injuries: Patient 22-763
Pint sized falcon receives his second chance.
Eastern Screech Owl’s Eye Removal: Patient 22-712
Tiny fluff ball grows into a beautiful owl!
Albino Eastern Gray Squirrel: Patient 22-302
An albino squirrel is a unique surprise and helps an intern fall in love.
Eastern Gray Squirrels Burned From Fire: 22-145 and 22-146
Burnt Eastern Gray Squirrel sister receive their second chance.
Red-Shouldered Hawk Car Collision: Patient 22-23
An injured toe won’t slow this hawk down!
Groundhog Shot Several Times: Patient 22-6
Peaceful coexistence could have saved this groundhogs life.
Songbirds Caught in Glue Traps: Patients 21-1196, 21-1197 and 21-1198
Just say “no” to spotted lanternfly tape!
Monarch Butterfly Parasite: Patient 21-1002
Even butterflies sometimes need a helping hand.
Eastern Box Turtle Infection: Patient 21-1086
Pesticides cause life-threatening mycoplasma infections in turtles.
Fish Crow Unable to Stand: Patient 21-930
A pair of brand new shoes helps a Fish Crow heal to release!
Canada Goose Neck Wound and Brain Injury: Patient 21-594
Young gosling makes a miraculous recovery and reunites with family!
Eastern Screech Owl Damaged Eye and Concussion: Patient 21-15
Only having one-eye won’t stop this little fighter.
Mallard Shot With Crossbow Bolt: Patient 20-338
Mallard, nicknamed Lucky, survives after being shot with a crossbow.
Eastern Box Turtle Amputated Leg: Patient 20-307
Three-legged Box Turtle gets a second chance at life in the wild.
Virginia Opossum Injured With Babies: Patient 20-293
Momma Opossum and her joeys saved after being hit by a car.
Virginia Opossum in Cat’s Mouth: Patient 20-233
Young opossum loses his life after a cat attack.